
After a year of weekends at Egham, trains from and to London, phone calls explaining  projects and worries to each other, time in the studio to develop our pieces and an intensive week in June, we are finally here!. My process in the course has been challenging at times but also a massive learning curve, in many levels and, following Jasmin’s style, in many layers. The first half of the year was focused in understanding and exploring methods and approaches of creating physical theatre work and it finished with the creation of a solo. We worked on many tasks and exercises to stimulate our creation process and also to challenge our skills which where quite different as we all had different backgrounds. The solo I developed (titled Take Me Home) was a 3min 30sec piece which explored the journey of a character that tries to go home. She is late, and decides to hitch hike as she is about to miss her plane. After a frustrating waiting time, a car finally stops. A nice middle ag